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OTTO mit erfolgreichster Weihnachtskampagne aller Zeiten

7.6 million plays on YouTube and Facebook. Over 77,000 likes and 27,000 shares on social networks and an above-average session length on the campaign website. With ‘Weihnachten ist in Dir’ the online retailer OTTO has run the most successful advertising campaign in the company’s history! Here are three facts in an overview of the Christmas campaign.

Media switching is no obstacle.

For the first time, OTTO ran the campaign primarily via digital channels and announced the Christmas film with a short TV commercial trailer. The plan worked: overall 7.6 million users viewed the animated film on the campaign website as well on YouTube and Facebook. A highlight was the number of times the microsite was accessed via mobile terminals: 42 per cent of sessions were via smartphones, and around 19 per cent via tablets. Just 39 per cent of visits were via desktop PCs.

Emotionality raises involvement.

Over 77,000 likes on Social Media channels, over 27,000 shares on Facebook alone – and almost 5,000 overwhelmingly positive viewer comments. The Christmas film enthused and moved viewers, triggering a high level of spontaneous shares and comments on the film.

Quality content binds the user.

Attracted by an audio version, e-cards and the film song, visitors to stayed on the landing page long after the film had finished, notching up an average on-site session of 2:02 minutes.

“In 2015, Christmas campaigns in Germany reached a new level. In particular, the long on-site session times and interaction on social networks regarding the content show us that we created an emotional campaign that clearly touched on a deep-seated yearning in Germans: genuine feelings and the feeling of security. Looking forward it will be exciting to see which brands succeed in implementing emotional storytelling with a positive, long-term sales impact”, says Marc Opelt Member of the OTTO Management Board, Sales.

OTTO also hit a new record in revenue terms, with the Hamburg-based company returning its best-ever Christmas figures. The online retailer successfully increased the positive development of the current business year further, reporting a double-digit increase in revenue versus the previous year’s festive season; recorded over a million visits daily, with the online shop booking up to two orders every second in an extended rush hour over the Christmas period.

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