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Breakdance-Oma & feiernde Bulldogge: OTTO startet neue Festival-Kampagne

An ad centred on a breakdancing grandmother marks the start of OTTO’s new digital campaign – and the first of three videos is already online. The campaign is part of the OTTO Shopping Festival, the online retailer’s current sales campaign. The message is that there is an extraordinary and infectious festival spirit all OTTO products.

If grandma is popping out a breakdance routine in front of her new TV, the all-male flatmates are stocking up their new fridge to electronic music, and a French bulldog is wildly celebrating new lounge furniture, then OTTO Service Staff can’t be far away. In these three clips, deliveries from the online retailer cause spontaneous explosions of customer joy. The new campaign by OTTO and Jung von Matt/SAGA includes three new ads with matching display-advertising formats, and is running in all digital environments including Digital Out of Home. It ties in with the successful online marketing campaign featuring pop star Ricardo, as well as bodybuilding couple Doreen & Olli.

„Wer gutes Onlinemarketing machen möchte, der muss die Nutzer unterhalten. Unser Gespür für aufmerksamkeitsstarkes Storytelling und die Kombination aus Display Advertising und Social Media haben bereits in den vergangenen Kampagnen dafür gesorgt, dass sowohl die Umsätze der beworbenen Produkte stiegen, als auch die Marke OTTO stärker in das Relevant Set einer jüngeren Zielgruppe rückte. Mit unseren drei neuen Spots wollen wir wieder zeigen, wie erfolgreich unterhaltsame Online-Werbung sein kann“, so Carolin von Karstedt, Abteilungsleiterin für Digital Media & Advertising im Onlinemarketing bei OTTO.“If you want to produce good online marketing, you simply have to entertain the user. In previous campaigns our nose for attention-grabbing narrative and the combination of display advertising and social media secured an increase in the turnover of the advertised products, and moved the OTTO brand further into the relevant set for a younger target group. With our three new ads we want to show once more how successful entertaining online advertising can be”, says Carolin von Karstedt, Department Manager for Digital Media & Advertising in Online Marketing at OTTO.

The new online videos are part of OTTO’s current sales campaign, the ‘OTTO Shopping Festival’. The hub is a microsite at where the campaign content is bundled. Offline, the campaign is supported by the OTTO Tour Bus, a silver Airstream, at many festivals and events across Germany.

Overview of the campaign facts:

  • Format: three films (different lengths), other content formats
  • Time period: 21 August to 2 November 2017
  • ‘Breakdance’: from 21 August 2017
  • ‘Dog Aria’: from 18 September 2017
  • ‘Fridge Dudes’: 24 October 2017
  • Concept: Jung von Matt/SAGA
  • Production: BIGFISH Filmproduktion GmbH
  • Director: Sven Werner Combé
  • Campaign Insight: the Shopping Festival spirit is in every OTTO product. Once you feel it, it won’t let you go and will turn your life into a festival.

Overview of the second Extreme Testers campaign results:

  • Impressive tally of views & impressions: In total the four films have notched up over 39 million views and 575 million impressions.
  • High ad memorability and awareness: Brand Lift surveys show an awareness impact both for the OTTO brand and for the products advertised. The videos generate consistently significant uplift in ad memorability with users.

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