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Czech Games Edition Spiel, Codenames XXL englisch

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45,48 €
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Artikel-Nr. S01A5040P2
  • Czech Games Edition

You want to play a game of Codenames with as many people as possible? Including your short-sighted granny? With Codenames XXL, everyone sees everything, thanks to the double-size maps.


Picture riddle

In Codenames XXL, too, the intelligence chiefs take turns giving their teams clues that consist of a single word. A clue can refer to several word cards on the table. The investigators try to guess which (code) words their intelligence chief meant. As soon as you touch a word card, the intelligence chief reveals its secret identity (blue, red, neutral, assassin). If it is a card of your own team, you may continue guessing. Otherwise it is the other team's turn - in the case of the assassin, you lose immediately. The team that finds all its agents first wins.

Game details

  • Age: from 10 years and up
  • Players: 2 - 8+
  • Duration:  15 min
  • XXL enjoyment
  • english version


  • 200 cards with 400 code words
  • 16 Agent Cards in two colours
  • 1 double agent card
  • 7 innocent observer cards
  • 1 assasin card
  • 40 key cards
  • 1 Card rack
  • 1 timer
  • 1 manual


Anzahl Spieler2
Inhaltsiehe Beschreibung
WarnhinweiseACHTUNG! Für Kinder unter 3 Jahren nicht geeignet. Erstickungsgefahr, da kleine Teile verschluckt oder eingeatmet werden können.
Altersempfehlungab 8 Jahren


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