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Kundenbewertungen für
Topper Matratzentopper 160x200cm, H3/H4, BedStory, 7.5 cm hoch, Gel Kaltschaum

4.5 von 5
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big bump in the middle & smells like kerosene

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after days of it laying out flat it simply will not get rid of the bump in the middle. To say that they are folding it for the environmentally friendly shipment is bull. They are ruining the product by folding it in the middle and then vacuum packaging it. There is no way it will straighten out again. I expect my guests in one week so there is not enough time to return it and get another. I am losing trust in Otto and other online companies. I think I need to stop wasting my time and damaging my nerves with this kind of buying. I need to go back to an actual store where I can know and can see the quality instead of just hoping. I am not even sure how I would be able to return this stupid thing. 153 euros for junk from China. Otto you are losing me. where is the quality control? This is a deal breaker for me. i have lost all trust in the company.

Viel zu weich

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Ich versuche je in dem Topper und hab dadurch einfach nur Rückenschmerzen. Nie wieder, dachte der Topper wäre härter, dem ist aber nicht so... .
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